On Monday, July 10, 2023, Khan shared a prevue of Jawan with his fans on social media. The prevue, which was only a few minutes long, gave fans a glimpse of Khan's new look in the film. Khan is seen sporting a rugged look with long hair and a beard. He is also seen in action sequences, fighting against a group of men.
The prevue was met with excitement from Khan's fans, who took to social media to express their love for the actor and their anticipation for the film. The hashtag #JawanPreview was trending on Twitter in India within minutes of Khan sharing the video.
In the prevue, Khan's character is seen wearing a black outfit and a mask. He is also seen with a gun in his hand. The background of the video shows a city that is in ruins. It is unclear what Khan's character is fighting for or against, but the preview certainly hints at an action-packed film.
A Glimpse of Khan's Character
The prevue gives fans a brief glimpse of Khan's character in Jawan. He is seen as a man with a mysterious past who is fighting for justice. He is also seen as a skilled fighter who is not afraid to take on anyone who stands in his way.
The prevue also hints at the film's action-packed sequences. Khan is seen fighting against a group of men in one scene, and he is also seen shooting a gun in another scene. The preview certainly leaves fans wanting more.
A Stellar Cast
In addition to Khan, Jawan also stars Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, and Sunil Shetty. Nayanthara plays Khan's love interest in the film, while Malhotra plays a young woman who is caught up in a dangerous situation. Shetty plays a police officer who is investigating the events of the film.
The film's music is composed by AR Rahman, one of the most celebrated music composers in India. Rahman has previously worked with Khan on films such as Swades, Chak De! India, and Ra.One.
A 2023 Release
Jawan is scheduled to be released in theaters on June 2, 2023. The film will also be released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.
Khan has been away from the big screen for over three years since the release of his last film Zero in 2018. Jawan is expected to be one of the biggest films of Khan's career. The film has already generated a lot of excitement among fans, and it is sure to be a box office success.
The Jawan prevue has given fans a glimpse of what to expect from the film. It is clear that the film will be an action-packed thriller with a stellar cast. Khan's fans are eagerly awaiting the film's release in June 2023.