The dialogue writer for the upcoming film Adipurush, Manoj Muntashir, has defended his use of the phrase "jalegi tere" in a song featuring Lord Hanuman. The phrase, which means "I will burn you," has been criticized by some Hindu groups who believe that it is disrespectful to the god.
Muntashir has said that the phrase is not an error, but rather a reflection of Hanuman's fiery temper. He has also pointed out that the phrase is used in other Hindu texts, such as the Ramayana.
The controversy over the phrase has highlighted the sensitivities surrounding the depiction of Hindu gods in popular culture. In recent years, there have been a number of protests against films and television shows that have been accused of disrespecting Hindu gods or goddesses.
Muntashir has said that he respects the concerns of Hindu groups, but he believes that the phrase "jalegi tere" is not disrespectful to Hanuman. He has said that the song is intended to be a celebration of Hanuman's strength and power.
The controversy over the phrase is likely to continue, but Muntashir has said that he is not backing down. He has said that he is committed to telling the story of Adipurush in a way that is both accurate and respectful to Hindu tradition.
In addition to the above, here are some other points that could be included in the article:
- The phrase "jalegi tere" is not the only part of the Adipurush song that has been criticized by Hindu groups. Some have also objected to the use of the word "bali" (sacrifice) in the song.
- The controversy over the Adipurush song has led to calls for a boycott of the film. However, the film's producers have said that they are confident that the film will be a success.
- The Adipurush song is just one example of the challenges that filmmakers face when depicting Hindu gods and goddesses in popular culture. In recent years, there have been a number of controversies over the depiction of Hindu gods in films and television shows.