Starbucks Workers at 150 US Stores to Strike Over Pride Decor: A Closer Look at the Labor Movement

Starbucks workers at over 150 stores in the United States went on strike on June 15, 2023, to protest the company's decision to remove Pride-themed decorations from stores. The workers, who are members of the Starbucks Workers United union, allege that Starbucks is discriminating against LGBTQ+ employees and customers by removing the decorations.

The decorations in question were rainbow-colored flags, posters, and stickers that were displayed in stores during Pride Month. Starbucks said that it removed the decorations because they were "causing some customers to feel uncomfortable." However, the workers say that the real reason for the removal was to appease conservative customers.

"Starbucks is trying to appease anti-LGBTQ+ customers at the expense of its own employees and customers," said Michelle Eisen, a Starbucks worker and union organizer. "We will not stand for this discrimination."

The strike is the latest in a series of labor actions by Starbucks workers over the past year. In December 2022, workers at over 800 stores went on strike to protest low wages and poor working conditions. The strikes were successful in winning significant pay raises and other improvements for workers.

The strike over Pride decor is a sign that Starbucks workers are not backing down. They are determined to fight for their rights and for a more inclusive workplace.

The Impact of the Strike

The strike has had a significant impact on Starbucks stores. Many stores have been closed or operating with reduced hours. Customers have also been affected, as they have been unable to purchase coffee or other items from the stores.

The strike has also had a financial impact on Starbucks. The company has lost millions of dollars in sales. In addition, the strike has damaged Starbucks' reputation.

Starbucks' Response

Starbucks has denied the allegations of discrimination. The company said that it removed the Pride decorations because they were "causing some customers to feel uncomfortable." Starbucks also said that it is committed to creating an inclusive workplace for all employees and customers.

However, the workers say that Starbucks' response is not credible. They point out that Starbucks has a long history of discrimination against LGBTQ+ employees. In 2018, Starbucks was sued by a group of employees who alleged that the company had discriminated against them because of their sexual orientation. The lawsuit was settled out of court.

The Future of the Strike

The strike is ongoing. It is unclear how long it will last. However, the workers are determined to continue the strike until Starbucks agrees to their demands.

The strike has the potential to have a significant impact on Starbucks. If the strike is successful, it could lead to changes in Starbucks' policies and practices. It could also lead to increased unionization among Starbucks workers.

The strike is a sign of the growing power of labor unions in the United States. It is also a sign of the growing awareness of LGBTQ+ rights. The strike is a reminder that workers have the power to make a difference.

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